
Low metal prices hits Tati Nickel Mine

Tati Nickel Mining Company Managing Director Sergey Steshenko
Tati Nickel Mining Company Managing Director Sergey Steshenko

Commodity prices have plunged by over 10% in the past 12 months in tandem with a weak trend on the international market.

'This is a challenge for all of us and the mining industry at large. Our survival strategy - the 'ABC strategy' - should take us to the end of 2015, and it needs us to work hard,' said Steshenko.

The worldwide glut of copper supply is poised to almost triple in 2014, driving prices to the lowest in at least three years at a time when the International Monetary Fund says economic growth will be weaker than forecast.

 Majority shareholder, Norilsk, has put Tati Nickel along with its other international assets, up for sale.

Addressing the employees who have served the mine for 10 and 25 years continuously, Steshenko said today's job market is characterised by high labour mobility, both locally and internationally.

'Tati Nickel and all other companies in the mining industry in Botswana have one way or the other experienced this labour mobility because of the shortage of skills in the country.

The length of time you have served at TNMC is a gesture of commitment and it must be highly recognised,' he said.

'We started mining at Silkerk in 1988 and at Phoenix in 1995. This makes me proud when I look at you today. I genuinely associate you with the current Tati Nickel success story, especially in production and safety. Such are the results of dedication, loyalty and hard work,' he said.

Steshenko said most of the long serving workers have witnessed Tati Nickel's production growth - from the use of a magnetic separation plant, to the commissioning of the concentrator, the now defunct hydrometallurgical plant, and today, the dense medium separation plant.

'The achievement of set goals and objectives, the translation of an idea into tangible results is dependent to a great extent on the performance of each and every one of us. TNMC strongly believes that the recognition of performance and long service is an essential aspect of our corporate activities,' said Steshenko.

'TNMC is all about people with the capacity and the desire to serve well. That is the reason why we are passionate about our people. That's where our slogan 'Tati Nickel Cares' comes from'.

He added that they have, for this reason, invested in the development of their people. 'Several projects have been implemented to promote employee skills - supervisory development, basic engineering courses (basic rigging, pneumatics, hydraulics and fork lift), semi-skilled trainee programmes, and process training for operators, to mention but a few,' he said. Steshenko further stated that current challenges should make TNMC strong and cue it to redirect its focus in carrying out its mandate in order to sail to safe shores.