
DPP ordered to avail statements

Said the 34-year old Mgcini Ncube: “I am asking for statements. I want to appraise myself with the cases that police allege I have committed. I also want the police to take me to my employer so that he can pay me if is possible.”

Earlier on Sergeant Kabelo Moremi had told the court that Ncube’s docket has been forwarded to the Directorate Public Prosecutions (DPP) for further instructions.

Moremi also said the police have not managed to locate Ncube’s former employer who Ncube says owes him money.

“The investigating officer went to the address that the accused gave him but he did not find him. He however left a message with someone he found there to relay to the employer,” said Moremi.

Asked if it is possible for the police to take Ncube to his former employer’s place, Moremi responded: “It will be impossible for the police to take him there because we have shortage of transport.

“But we will communicate with our colleagues at our satellite police station in Sebina in a bid to help Ncube.”

Ncube will appear in court again on December 18 for another mention.

He was further remanded in custody. Ncube allegedly burnt two mud huts valued at P4,000 at Sebina lands in August this year.

 Residents of Sebina and surrounding villages still live in fear following a spate of murders of old women, rapes, arson and stealing of livestock that had hit their village since November in 2012.

Ncube’s case is fast losing the public and media frenzy it had attracted in the beginning.

The public gallery was near empty on Wednesday unlike when Ncube first appeared in court.  By then the residents travelled from Sebina and neighbouring villages in large numbers to get a glimpse of the person they think is responsible for the gruesome crimes that happened in their villages towards the end of last year and greater part of this year.