
The real Khama needs to come out

It is time for the President to come out and address the fundamental issues facing the nation. Not the Alcohol levy. Not the new Tirelo Sechaba. Not even his pet subject of conservation.

President Khama needs to come out and reassure this nation, explain to this nation some of the unexplained events surrounding his presidency which have left citizens baffled.

Under Khama Botswana has been an adrenaline-addict’s haven, and more happens in this country in a week than it could happen in years during Festus Mogae’s term. The last three weeks, even for a usually eventful Botswana, have been particularly dramatic.

Two weeks ago, a group of Botswana Democratic Party faithfuls served President Ian Khama with a bogus petition. It was upon this petition, which contained unparalleled fraud, that the President purportedly made perhaps the most momentous decision of his presidency – to postpone a by-election.

There is no way anyone could have missed the fraud in that petition.  The courts, as ever intimated by Khama himself, could have helped explain this saga, but it is too late.

The curious events surrounding the petition, and indeed the postponement of the by-election, call for the President to come out of his shell and explain his actions.

We think it would enhance the President’s profile, both locally and internationally, if he were to address this issue for the nation to understand where his position is.

While some may view reacting to events as the mark of a weak leader, modern political practice urges leaders to constantly address the electorate on matters that affect them. We urge Khama to speak on these matters, as well as other recent events.