
Wonder collect maximum points


Motlakase nearly took the lead in the opening minutes of the game but Wonder Sporting goalkeeper Bokamoso Moeba stopped the assault. Motlakase showed flashes of brilliance and threatened to score in the first 30 minutes of the match but seemed to have left their scoring boots in Palapye.  They also failed to utilise the set pieces they were awarded.  Wonder Sporting were egged on by their singing and cheering supporters.  The exuberant choir seemed to have been made of police training recruits. Towards the second half, Motlakase paid dearly for missing their chances when Uyapo Seleka put the cops ahead.  However, Edwin Mwaza leveled matters for Motlakase as the home side was still celebrating.  It seemed as if the two teams would go for recess with a draw until Ogomoditse Sitang put the cops on the lead again at the stroke of half time.Wonder Sporting held on to their lead during the second half even though they could have increased the margin.   Motlakase missed more chances that could have seen them equalising and even burying the cops. Wonder Sporting were not doing any better as they wasted begging chances.  

Wonder Sporting' second goal scorer, Sitang, turned a villain when he missed one of the easiest chances of the match.   He missed inside the box with Motlakase goalkeeper Kagiso Rankabekwa  down on the turf. With both teams not offering much during the second half, it was left to the Wonder Sporting supporters choir to entertain the handful of spectators with their boisterous singing.  The choir offered better entertainment than the game. Motlakase coach Oris Radipotsane made double substitutions in the second half, but it did not change the complexion of the game.  His counterpart at Wonder Sporting, Isaiah Mokgwadi, also made double substitutions to secure his lead.   While they did not start the season on a high note, the newly-promoted Wonder Sporting have picked form that would see them avoiding relegation.    In an interview after the match, Mokgwadi said it was very important for his team to get the maximum points in this match.  He said they take every game like a cup final.  The Wonder Sporting coach said every game has become  crucial for them. Mokgwadi said  his charges put themselves under pressure by missing chances unnecessarily.

Motlakase coach Radipotsane was not disappointed with his team's performance as he pointed out that he is building a new squad.