
Bomb scare suspect wants charges withdrawn


Zebe stands accused before the Village Magistrates Court having threatened that he had planted a bomb at Barclay's Bank headquarters in Gaborone.

On Friday, Zebe, who is currently on conditional bail told stand-in magistrate that the prosecution is wasting his time as they fail to produce evidence obtained from Mascom Wireless, linking him to the alleged cellular call

'The reason I am pleading with this court to withdraw the charges until the state is ready is because my business is now affected by this case as the police have my passport. I cannot travel outside the country,' said Zebe. He added that as a trader, he buys most of his stock from South Africa and without travel documents, he is helpless. Relieving prosecutor, Lameck Kgosieile, however, revealed that investigations on the matter are complete and that the accused will be served with all the documents soon. But because the presiding magistrate, Linah Mokibe-Oahile and prosecutor Modibedi Tladi were not present at the mention, it was agreed that another mention date be set. 

Meanwhile in another case before the Village Magistrate two Zimbabwean nationals, accused of attempted armed robbery continued their attempt to get bail.

The two men Tizaye Tapera and Kasikanye Kasikanye, who are facing a single count of attempted robbery and another of unlawful possession of arms of war, were previously denied bail by the same court. Prosecutor Moathodi Seabonyane told the court that they are still waiting for the ballistic report. 'The investigation team is currently working with INTERPOL to record statements in Zimbabwe regarding the authenticity of the passports of the accused persons,' said Seabonyane.

Defence attorney Aobakwe Monamo said it was unfair that the two had been remanded for the past five months. He reminded the court that it's been two months since the state told the court that investigating officers were to leave for Zimbabwe the next day and the state is still saying the same thing.