Opinion & Analysis

A look into President Banda's puzzling claim

She said, 'at one time I was even facing possible assassination just before I was inaugurated as president. It was Nelson Mandela who encouraged me to forgive all those that were scheming against me and I went ahead and worked with them in government.'

Having studied the report on Bingu wa Mutharika’s death extensively, I realise that Banda is shedding new light to the events and circumstances leading to her attainment of the position of president.

The report which is still available in the Malawi government website is quite revealing and yet it does not shed any light on attempts on the vice president’s life as Joyce Banda was at the time.

Taking into account that the report was headed by retired judge Justice Elton Singili and was conducted during the time when Joyce Banda was president, one wonders how such critical information could be left out.

In its hearing, the commission of enquiry summoned all the possible witnesses that included commander of the army, commissioner of police, director general of the National Intelligence Agency, Peter Mutharika who is the late president’s younger brother and a host of other key witnesses who were either close to Mutharika or were involved in the events surrounding his death.

It has come out very clearly in the report that the two characters in this drama preceded by the death of Mutharika were the former President Bakili Muluzi and General Henry Odillo, who is still commander of Malawi Defence Force. Muluzi’s support for Banda to succeed Mutharika as President was unwavering to a point where he had to speak to the nation over a private radio station.

There was a host of troublemakers who were routing for Peter Mutharika to assume the presidency. At the time, the ruling party was still working around the constitution to disqualify Banda from ascending to State House. According to the report, the commander of the Army was key in getting Banda to State House.

When asked if the army could assume power until the court case against Banda was over, General Odillo stated that the constitution of the country was the only thing that will guide him in his actions. In short he refused when he was asked to stage a coup de’ tat. He even took the trouble to visit Banda at her official residence.

The interesting thing about the report is that it never recommended for the prosecution of any individuals. I found that to be very odd because the fact that people had wanted to subvert the constitution is in itself a serious crime. The report has clearly established this fact. Now it seems Banda wanted to steal the show at Mandela’s funeral with the assassination plot because the report would never have missed it. Well, almost all the speakers wanted to tell the world how close they were to Mandela. Even some countries whose credentials are half-a-world away from what Mandela stood for. This only enhanced their credentials as leaders.

For a fact Banda has not pursued her detractors, at least in public, but the last cabinet reshuffle speaks volumes. But for a fact, Banda has not purged her enemies and this is an assurance that indeed she has been preaching reconciliation.

Rev. Richard Moleofe*

* Rev. Richard Moleofe is a political and social commentator.