
Losers, welcome to the real world


Lebonaamang Mokalake

This is the guy who said Batswana should build multi-storey houses because there is serious shortage of serviced land, but he failed to ensure that only serious developers are allowed at the new Central Business District (CBD) in Gaborone.  We still see three-storey buildings at the CBD, which is supposed to be the city’s land of skyscrapers. Where would Batswana get the money to build such structures when property developers can’t afford to go up?

Perhaps Thanda should visit ‘Kgabo’ in Moruleng and withdraw or lift his de-recognition.


Rev Dr John Seakgosing

This is the minister of health who told the whole nation on BDP TV or rather Btv during the 2011 civil servants strike that everything was going well and it was business as usual, and that operations were going at 99.9 percent in government health facilities.

‘Hospitl’ as he was affectionately known or referred to by civil servants was the only minister who has never addressed the press despite his ministry being so important in the existence of this nation. We recommend that ‘Hospitl’ should be forcibly tested for HIV and be put through a lie detector test in all his interviews before he opens a backyard clinic in his home village of Thamaga. We shall miss ‘Hospitl’ and his selfishness with the truth.


Phandu Skelemani

This was one very open and transparent minister who was also outspoken, that is if all the words he has uttered about other governments were his.

Should he not bounce back, he will live to regret being used as a decoder to transmit information that is not his, and that which does not reflect his beliefs or views.   We will miss ‘Skeli’, but many Francistowners will not. There is rumour that his opponents want him to open a consultancy or ‘foreign mission’ and focus on criticising foreign governments.   


Ramadeluka Seretse

Well, the man reportedly installed security equipment worth millions of Pula at his newly acquired multi-storey building at the Central Business District with the belief that he would just be occupying it even after the general elections.  In 2011 he tried to block a motion calling on Parliament to investigate allegations of corruption at the Botswana Development Corporation (BDC), then in 2012 he was acquitted of corruption charges.  In 2013 he also tried to block another call for an investigation into how he installed multi-million Pula security equipment in the building for which procurement was under question.


Gloria Somolekae

The good doctor is innocent until proven otherwise. She should just leave politics and go back to her field of academia.


Oreeditse Molebatsi

Yo n....er. He should leave politics and focus on his hospitality business where he will focus on drinking bottled water instead of requesting for the same from poor rural people.

‘Sola’ was also present when Botswana Meat Commission (BMC) went down to near-collapse. He should go and utilise mananeo a puso e e kgathalang e ya Tomokoraga, that include acquiring poverty goats and cattle. Maybe he could also look for a job at Dorcus’ constituency office as a secretary


Peter Siele

Is this the guy who went on a rampage unilaterally amending the Public Service Act to declare every civil servant an essential services worker in July 2011?


Moeng Pheto

Soft-spoken, a demeanor totally opposite to his military background. We know soldiers to utter words like bull s**t, rubbish, f**k with excessive force. He will be remembered as a former minister of labour and home affairs who was not very harmful.


Pono Moatlhodi

Mokhurutshe is a good speaker who is also a chameleon. He should open a ‘Crying Firm’ for which employees, including ‘Tripple P’ should be hired to cry in funerals. It is a lucrative market that has not been tried.


Mmoloki Raletobana

As long as it is not the Duke who has won, life can go on.


Raynor Makosha

The figure that allegedly voted for you Sir is not correct; you should call for a re-run. It is impossible for an incumbent to be voted by that figure!


Olebile Gaborone

You are welcome back at the BNF; the vice presidency is waiting for you!