
Police confirm another Kalafatis shooting

Costa Kalafatis
Costa Kalafatis

Costa escaped death by a whisker when members of security forces shot at him.  He was, however, injured in the attack.

Botswana police spokesperson, Senior Superintendent Dipheko Motube said that he was aware of an incident where police shot at a motorist in Partial on Wednesday night. 

Motube said the police shot at the vehicle when the motorist refused to stop.  On whether the motorist was refusing to stop in a parking lot, Motube said he did not have all the facts. 

“These are the only details that I can share,” he told Mmegi.       

Residents in the Partial location opposite the Middle Star Shopping Complex related to Mmegi how they were startled by the sound of gunshots on Wednesday night.

So terrified the residents were that some dispatched into their apartments when Mmegi approached.

Those who were willing to speak to Mmegi only did so in the condition of anonymity, for fear of threat on their own lives. 

One of the residents said he was woken up by what sounded like gunshots in the middle of the night. 

He said he heard a loud bang.  He claims that when he peeped through his window he did not see anything. 

Another resident who also heard gunshots, said when she looked out the window she saw an SUV vehicle driving out in high speed.

While others did not see what had happened, another resident said that she saw somebody rushing into a speeding wagon.  She said upon this sight she telephoned the police. 

“The police told me that they knew about the incident. 

They said other police officers were firing warning shots at a fleeing suspect.  They told me that the officers were pursuing somebody who fled in an Isuzu vehicle from Phase II to our flats,” she said.

She said the police told her that they should not panic adding that they only attended to the scene the following day. 

According to the witness, she heard three shots being fired.

She related that during the shooting everyone scurried for cover. 

She saw three men who were boarding a vehicle that looked like a Land Rover and she suspected that these were the people who were shooting.

 “We didn’t want to get into trouble,” she said, pointing at the spot where the incident took place.  She said the police came in the morning to mark the spot where the shooting happened.