
Body for disabled in financial doldrums


Chairperson of the association Joseph Nchenje said as a result they were unable to run the organisation, which was expected to be a voice of the people with disabilities.  Nchenje said though they would be turning two years this year, they were still to realise a single achievement. He said people with disabilities experienced numerous negativities in their lives such as discrimination, unfavourable societal attitudes and other barriers in their lives.

'People living with disabilities are excluded from decision-making processes that affect their lives. As a result they are forced to contend with segregation and exclusion,' he said.

'We are currently being assisted by the Francistown City Council (FCC) and the District Commissioner with funds, but it is not enough,' he said.

He said their wish was to have a monthly income for their office and to be assisted with funds to start their own businesses. Nchenje said that some of them had been trained to start up businesses, but it took a long time for them to source funds and they ended up losing.

'Some people with disabilities may be active and willing to empower themselves but others are so disabled that they cannot do anything and need our support,' said Nchenje. He said only three members of the association had running projects in Francistown and wished the number would increase.

Nchenje said that they were working on organising fund raising events to accumulate money for the association.

He said that they had been thinking of seeking help from the Botswana Defence Force (BDF) band to mentor them with musical skills in order to be able to attract people to their fund raising events.

Meanwhile, Nchenje said that on February 13, the association would hold a workshop at Wings Gate Hotel to empower the association's members with skills and how to start their businesses.

Officials from the department of industrial affairs will conduct the workshop.

He said the different stakeholders like Local Enterprise Authority (LEA), Department of Gender Affairs, Registrar of Companies and Department of Youth will be involved.

'I hope this will give them exposure and they will be able to ask questions on how to start businesses and enquire about funds,' said Nchenje.