
Madiba climbs up music ladder

The recording musician in him was yet to flourish. In recent times his career has seen an upward trend. His last album Gibela was a good composition, which simply drove mapantsula crazy. His most recent work is his fourth offering.  The album, Marikana, is a dedication to the victims of the indiscriminate shooting that occurred in Marikana, South Africa. 

That day 39 lives including those of four police officers were claimed. Clearly Madiba does better behind the desk in the producer’s booth than in the music frontline.

As a producer he has stood out as one of the best. Like vintage wine he also seems to have mellowed with time.  He is now able to vary his sounds very well.

Buoyed by the success of Thuso, the album he recently produced for Mazolwana, Madiba returned to the studio for a quartet called Berea Girls.

Once again Madiba’s own album only comes in at third in the perking order, while Nozukile’s Ntsanyana and Berea Girls, Madiba would come in at first and second respectively.