
Botswood knocks sense into heads


Scripted and directed by Fenny Lekolwane, the television drama is set to premiere at the Botswood offices in Tlokweng on the evening of Valentine’s Day.

'Some are calling for prostitutes to be taken to prison for selling their bodies.  In other countries, prostitutes are stoned to death. But have we taken into consideration the factors that contribute to women taking to the streets to sell sex?' Lekolwane enquired.

'Women need love and some pampering.  They need to be provided for in all aspects and be elevated to a certain level by their men.  But how many are able to do that in a country like Botswana let alone Africa?” she asked.

She said many are in the forefront pointing fingers at women in prostitution calling them all sorts of derogatory names.  The men do this not knowing that they are the ones contributing towards the demand for women in the oldest profession.

'Without men, there would not be a prostitute in the country,' said Lekolwane. She called on men to be responsible and loving towards their partners in order to reduce the number of prostitutes.  The drama will play on Valentine’s Day.

The 40-minute television drama entitled Perfect Love is about a man who meets a woman and falls for her. He then proposes love to her and the woman was courageous enough to tell her that she was a practicing prostitute. In the beginning he does not believe her. But one day, the man finds the woman at work on the streets of one of the big cities in Botswana.

'What women are looking for is a perfect love. It is Botswood’s hope that the message will sink into men’s heads,' she said.