
Acid test for Culture Spears, Charma Gal


So eventful this show is said to be that showbiz fans and critics will be out to understand the rumoured bad blood between the two lovebirds that co-own the celebrated Culture Spears.

Of recent, the media has been awash with reports that Kabelo Mogwe's marriage to Magdalene Lesolebe-Mogwe is on the rocks.  Allegations of infidelity by both parties have been attributed to the falling out in their relationship.

More allegations suggesting that the celebrity couple is no longer holding shows since the sensational Charma Gal has allegedly gone solo.   Charma Gal’s move is rumoured to be part of a complete disassociation from her husband.

Meanwhile, the couple has dismissed the allegations as mere baseless rumours. In an interview with Showbiz this week, Mogwe admitted that rumours about the alleged break down of their marriage have been circulating in both the media and on social media.

'It is nothing, but lies,” responded Mogwe, adding that, “People talk and it is not easy to stop people from talking. But the good thing is that our relationship is strong and we are a happy family.” Mogwe added that people should not be disturbed by the rumours saying Culture Spears and Eke Ntolo are still glued together. Furthermore, the group’s fans should expect a great show, Mogwe said.

'The Friday show will be an acid test to both groups and individuals under the stable,' he said, adding that the show will prove to all and sundry that the rumours that circulate are hell bent on destroying the group.

Mogwe added that couples have differences, but they cannot be blown out of proportion and be laced with lies to grab the attention of many people.

'Even in the Zebras camp, there are always differences. But these differences have never gone to an extent of overshadowing what is at stake – representing the nation,' he said.

Mogwe said Charma Gal will always be part of his tours locally and abroad. Charma Gal also confirmed that she will be in Francistown with her husband for the show.