
BNF councillor also launches funeral plan

He says all Bakgatla are welcome to participate regardless of party affiliation. “Ours is not a discriminatory one and it caters for all Bakgatla regardless of party affiliation”, he explained. He says he has realised that some people in his ward suffer when their family members passed on.

Therefore he says he wants to eradicate poverty in his ward through the funeral policy.

'I want to stop the situation in which the council has to bury destitutes', He said adding that he wants to leave behind a legacy in his ward so that he will be remembered when he was gone.

With people already registering, he said a committee has been elected to monitor the policy.

Mooketsi further explained that each member will contribute an additional P2 to run the affairs in the office.

The registered members will pay directly at the nearest Lyns Funeral Parlour and for the old people; the committee will collect and pay for them.

Others are free to make debit orders or stop orders. The policy will only cover those who commit suicide after two years of the commencement of the policy. Mooketsi says he came up with these since societies charge P60 or P100 per person but bury at P4,000.