
Farewell,Mma Olsen

She was the Managing Editor of The Botswana Gazette, a private newspaper that is one among the many striving to offer the public an alternative from the state-run media.

In the interest of free and fair reporting under growing hostility towards the private media by government, private newspapers continue to survive. 

It is through the determination of heroines and heroes like Mma Olsen who have sacrificed a lot to give Batswana the information they deserve to know.

Mma Olsen will be remembered for her contributions to the Press Council of Botswana, Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) and most importantly, the discussions on the formation of a media bill.

Journalism is not a field for the faint-hearted.  Practitioners are subjected to verbal abuse, even physical assaults by those who do not want to be exposed for their dirty deeds. 

Journalists spend hours away from their families risking their lives to speak for the voiceless, expose abuse of power by the powerful, and make the world aware of the horrors that others endure.

With Mma Olsen, we can say many of our editors today have passed through her hands.  She moulded cub reporters into seasoned journalists. 

We can safely say that she has groomed some of the best in today's private media.

Prior to her media career, Mma Olsen was a Member of Parliament in the early '80s. 

Then politics was a calling, in which men and women sacrificed a lot to serve in the interest of the nation and turn it into what it is today.

She served at a time when politicians had heart, not tenderpreneurs who use their political position as a quick route to riches. 

We hope that the few men and women who are in politics, and in the media would learn a few things from Mma Olsen.

Society must take a leaf from her book that offers tangible benefits.  Her trail in life leaves a legacy in what it means to serve with one’s own power.

The small numbers of women in politics and the media make issues affecting them less known to the entire society.  Therefore there is urgent need for women to actively engage in the socio-politics of this nation. 

We say this fully aware that there are women who hold positions of power, but are less confident to air their views.  They are unable to speak to reporters on issues relating to their official stand, and always wait for approval from their male counterparts.

To the private media, we say the good work shall continue in reporting without fear or favour.  We shall always comply with the ethics of the profession as we face this ever-growing hostile and powerful government of ours. 

Mma Ollie did not go gentle into that good night.  Like her we will continue to fight the good fight with all our might.

                                                                    Today's thought

'One of my goals upon becoming Secretary of State was to take diplomacy out of capitals, out of government offices, into the media, into the streets of countries.'


                                                                  – Hillary Clinton