
BOMU Clinches 50th Anniversary Music Celebrations Deal

Speaking at a BOMU event held at the newly finished Bptswana Nationa Youth Council (BNYC) headquarters, Phempheretlhe Pheto, the BOMU President, said contemporary music on September 30.  He said BOMU has been entrusted with a task to coordinate the event. Pheto said that they are currently drawing a line-up of performers.

BOMU will also coordinate the DJ’s music activities slated for September 25 across the country. He however  said that they are still negotiating with the Department of Arts and Culture to empower BOMU to coordinate the Presidential Music Awards too, which have since been taken from the umbrella bodies. The move follows after concerns over management of resources. Pheto said that they hope to convince the Department of Arts and Culture that BOMU can rectify past mistakes in the management of the Presidential Music Awards competitions.

Meanwhile, musicians were encouraged to pen the theme song for the 50th anniversary, which see to the winning song snatching P60,000.

Pheto also told the gathering that his new committee, now four months in office, has already secured a new home for BOMU.  He was happy to report that although BOMU is yet to receive their subvention from the Department of Arts and Culture, they have managed to buy the organisation’s first car.  They have also managed hire a full time officer and paid rental for their offices, as they bid to turn a corner.

Pheto also said that they hope they reach a successful conclusion with Btv to buy the rights to the BOMU awards.  He said they are also looking for a naming rights partner for the awards slated for December 13 this year.