
More than P1,600 increment for Khama

President Khama will be smiling all the way to the bank after the four percent salary increament
President Khama will be smiling all the way to the bank after the four percent salary increament

On April 9, 2014 acting Minister of President Affairs and Public Administration Shaw Kgathi gazetted the bill to amend the National Assembly (Salaries and Allowances) Act following four percent salary increment for public servants at the end of this month. Before the salary increment, Khama has been earning a monthly salary of about P41,662,76. End of this month he will smile all the way to the bank with about P43,231,88.

The President’s current annual salary is P504,706 more than the annual salary of a government cleaner. An A3 cadre currently earns about P14,076 annually. With the proposed salary increase these cadres will take home an extra P46.95. The vice president Dr Ponatshego Kedikilwe would earn P399,086 annual (about P33,257 per month) while the Speaker of the National Assembly Dr Margaret Nasha and a minister are peaked at P319,289 annually (about P26,607,42 monthly). Kedikilwe’s salary has been increased by P1,279,12 after the four percent increment while that of the minister and Nasha have increased by P1,023,36.

An assistant minister, Deputy Speaker Pono Moatlhodi and Leader of Opposition Dumelang Saleshando now earn a monthly salary of P22,169,75 (P266,037 per annum). This is an increment of about P852. The government whip and opposition whip are peaked at P221,733 per annum (P18, 477,75) and P214, 068 annually (P17,922.33 per month) respectively. The government whip’s salary has increased by P710,75 while that of the opposition whip increased by P555,33.

Per annum an ordinary MP earns P201,565 (P16,797,83 per month). This is an increment of about P446,41.