
UDC vies for Bobirwa, mekoko choke constituency


Machete will challenge incumbent Member of Parliament (MP) Shaw Kgathi and Botswana Congress Party’s (BCP) Taolo Lucas who had been enjoying a two-horse race for a number of years in the constituency.  The Bobirwa constituency has three registered independent candidates and three more who are still to register for council positions.

Speaking during an interview Machete said:  “I confirm that I will be contesting the parliamentary race under the UDC ticket.  I’m compelled by the low economic status of the local communities.  I realised that the Bobirwa community is hungry for leadership that will bring a difference to their lives.”

Formerly a member of the BDP, he contested for the Bobirwa North East ward as an independent council candidate in the 2009 general elections and lost.

From a lowly mokoko, Machete who hails from Semolale has now elevated himself to a bulkier cockerel as a parliamentary candidate for the Bobirwa constituency.  He said he left the BDP because he was opposed to some party policies and procedures.  He added that the UDC entry into the Bobirwa parliamentary race would broaden the electorates’ choice and offer them alternatives.  

Meanwhile, former BCP councillor and constituency chairman Abel Madome will run as an independent candidate in Rasetimela Ward.

“It is true and my symbol is a clay pot.  I took the decision to contest independently because those in authority were deliberately flouting the BCP procedures without any reprimand.  I was sidelined as those that were against me within the party said I was an illiterate old man,” said Madome who was Rasetimela ward councillor from 2004 to 2009.

He said he resigned from BCP but has not yet decided on his next political home. He said after his decision to go independent after the primaries, some party members approached him to convince him to reconsider.  “I told them that it is too late for me to go back to the BCP. It is enough; I have been too patient with this party.  I realised that I was not needed anymore,” he said. 

He added that he resigned because the primary elections were marred by irregularities that were deliberately orchestrated to frustrate his candidacy.

Another BCP member who registered as an independent is Lesilo Fani who is the BCP former constituency secretary. He said he left the party after feeling disgruntled with the way procedures “were flagrantly and deliberately flouted”.

“Factionalism and animosity are rife in the BCP.  That is why I even resigned as secretary during the constituency congress in September last year,” he said, noting that his symbol is a hammer.  Fani has banked on his hard work and interactions with constituents, which he said will ultimately pay dividends. 

Bobonong North West ward ruling party councillor Lemphositse Sepelong has also confirmed that he has registered as an independent candidate after losing the BDP primaries to specially elected councillor, Philly Segabo. He cited: “many irregularities that were discovered during the party primaries.  I have long registered as an independent candidate and my symbol is a railway track because I believe I am as tough as a railway line.  I officially resigned from the BDP. I cannot disclose my next move now,” adding that he is not fighting the ruling party.

Another ruling party member who registered as an independent is Meshack Makgosa who contested in Mathathane ward during party primaries.

He confirmed this and said he is awaiting a symbol from IEC.  He cited irregularities during Bulela Ditswe and said he never received any response for his appeal to the region.  “I am a member of the BDP and if the party does not accept me back after elections I will decide my next move,” he said.

Manuel Marole, also of the ruling party, confirmed that he expected to conclude the registration process by end of the month and said he has parted ways with the BDP.  “The party dumped me.  I appealed to them after primaries with the hope that we could reconcile but all was in vain. I gave them a chance, so enough is enough.  Even if I win I am not going back to the BDP,” he said. He will be contesting Mabolwe, Gobojango and Semolale ward.

A new entrant into politics, Neo Montsho from Sefhophe village has also registered as an independent candidate.  Being an artist who specialises in wedding songs, Montsho said she is compelled by the pathetic situation of the community she lives in despite the fact that they have representatives in council and Parliament.  “I took the initiative as a woman to fight for the rights of youth and women. I have never contested before but I wish to join the UDC after winning elections. I use a diamond as my symbol,” she said.  The BDP’s BOMASE Regional Chairman Tebogo Matlhogonolo said he was not aware of party members who registered as independent candidates.

BCP’s publicity secretary, Lucas, said the two - Madome and Fani - never appealed to any party structures after losing the primaries.  The BNF/UDC spokesperson, Moeti Mohwasa’s mobile was on voicemail at the time of going to press.