Opinion & Analysis

Digging tswana roots

Per my still-expanding, not-yet-published Dictionary of Protolanguage Terms, the English word ‘time’ – tima in Old English (OE) – relates to tema (rate/extent of progress) in Setswana. Germanic languages (e.g. Dutch) chose tid/tiyt as their name for ‘time’, which term I relate to teta (waiting period) in Setswana. Indeed, my cutting-edge discoveries indicate that Sotho-Tswana is very close to an original language spoken by all in the Neolithic era (BC 10200-3500). My Dictionary thus boasts 400-plus Bantu words indisputably cognate with Indo-European, contrary to current linguistics which denies any such link.

Even more surprising, I have retranslated three well-known Sumerian epics according to a Sotho-Tswana unlocking key (yet Sumerian is ‘the earliest written language’) revealing a different, wittier, far more coherent messages from the ancient scribes. Why Sotho-Tswana in particular? Ill-understood aspects of its ‘mythology’, I have shown, dovetail with those of Mesopotamia indicating that the Sotho-Tswana group was certainly amongst the Kutheans (Goo-tia in Setswana: ‘Strong Ones’) that reportedly left Egypt with the ‘god’ Nergal – my ‘Scorpion King’ – in order to aid the ‘goddess’ Inana in her famous war against Marduk, the ‘god’ of Babylon (see The Wars of Gods and Men by Zecharia Sitchin).

All this will not make sense if we adopt the view that ‘gods’ are allegorical or mythical creatures and not ancient, pale-skinned flesh-and-blood beings of (even by modern standards) highly advanced technology; who the Sumerians called ma-Illui (‘Shining Ones’: Eloi’m in Semitic syntax). Fossil evidence of their incredibly ancient sophistication is exemplified by the January 2013 discovery of an intricate gear-track of pure aluminium embedded in coal 300 million years old by a Vladivostok, Russia resident (yet aluminium smelting is supposed to have begun only in the 1800s, after electricity was discovered).

Historically, why did they not share their advancements (including ‘immortality’) with others? See Genesis 3:22-24. Sumerian/Babylonian legend reveals that two elite clans dominated the ruling Pantheon of Twelve, each member taking turn to rule for 2160 years (one Babylonian Shar), or 30 degrees of Earth’s Precession (wobble cycle) – twelve Shars (25 920 years) thus completing 360 degrees. The Era Opos reveals that Marduk, the eldest son of Enki (EN.KI: ‘Lord of the Earth’) was cheated out of his turn when Enlil (EN. L’ILLU: ‘Lord of the Illu’) – who ruled the Age of the Bull (Taurus: 4680 to 2160 BC) – refused to hand over to him when the new Age of the Ram (Aries: 2160 BC to 0 AD) dawned. Instead, he used delaying tactics, including fanning Inana’s old bitterness towards Marduk (see Myths of Kur).

Tension between the ‘Enillites’ and ‘Enkiites’ escalated, resulting in the nuclear obliteration of Sodom and Gomorrah (where Marduk and his son Nabu were thought to be hiding), but an ‘Evil Wind’ (radiation) blew into Sumer and the gods fled to Europe. There, they decided that this rivalry had to stop; that they should rather unite and use their technology to project themselves as ‘One Unseen God’ to the people (whose ‘face’ no-one was to see and live). Naturally, Marduk (Baal) refused this manufactured form of ‘monotheism’, only to be vilified as a ‘false god’. ‘Monotheism’ was then formally earmarked for Aries – to be spearheaded by Abraham, the new ‘Hyksos’ (Shepherd King).

Abraham task was to conquer Egypt – the seat of Enkiite rule – and rule as Pharaoh Mehibre (Ibiru’m in ‘Hebrew’ syntax). His son Sheshi, short for ‘Shishaq’ (Shetsheko: ‘laughter’ in proto-Setswana, a.k.a. Isthege ‘laugh at yourself’: Itsaq in Hebrew) ruled after him, followed by Yakhuber (Jacob: see Wikipedia’s ‘Pharaohs List’ to confirm names). Why the Old Testament chose to hide the historically well-known Hyksos conquest and the fact that these ‘children of Jacob (Israel)’ were actually expelled from Egypt by indigenous Pharaohs Kamose and Ahmose, is well-explained in prior articles.

The Enkiites thus ruled Egypt again until the time of Thothmoses IV, by which time the Enlilites had penetrated them through Joseph (who, historically, is Yuya: a powerful vizier (adviser) of the Pharaoh) when he married Tyuyu, a southern royal’s daughter. Tiye, their daughter, married Pharaoh Amenhotep III. Tiye’s son Akhen-Aten, as planned, tried to enforce the worship of Aten (Adonai) as the sole god, only to be dethroned by indigenous Egyptians who enthroned his son Tutankh-Amun instead. In Canaan, the land long promised the Hyksos-Israelites, the Enlilites used utterly ruthless tactics to ‘refine’ this new nation into the bastion of monotheism. Fearing ‘contamination’, the Enlilites instructed them to slaughter every tribe or settlement they encountered (see Deut. 2 and 3). However, even in the time of David, Solomon and Jeroboam, a time that should have been the crowning glory of Enlilite ‘monotheism’, the Israelite kings failed their god Adonai, who then promised to chastise all Jews ‘seven times’ (Lev. 26:27-33).

‘Seven times’ also meant 7 x 360 years (2520 years), during which time religion was to be ‘renewed’ every 1260 years. Per my Harmonized Timeline, the First Chastisement began soon after 676 BC when Hoshea became king of Israel. It was in his time that Shalmenesser, king of Asyria (‘the whip of [the Lord’s] anger’: Isaiah 10:5-7) banished ten of the Twelve Tribes from Israel (2 Kings 17:5-6). Then, 1260 years later, in AD 584: a total of a time (360 years), times (2 x 360 years) and half a time (180 years), the decreed ‘renewal’ of monotheism was at hand: Islam’s Year One. 1260 years from 584, in 1844, the Bab announced the coming of Bahaullah: Persia’s (Iran’s) Year One.

Meantime, from AD 508 to 538, another religion based on Paul’s ‘Christianity’ won decisive victories against the resisting ‘barbarian’ tribes in its ‘Holy’ Roman Empire. Its unchecked power was to last 1260 years (538-1798: Dan. 7:24-5); its influence 1335 years from AD 509 to 1844 (Dan. 12:12). Next week, we home in on AD 584 – a critical year in John’s Revelation as the Sealed Book was opened.

Comments to leteanelm@gmail.com