Motsepe to help raise P1m for BDP
Tsaone Basimanebotlhe | Wednesday August 27, 2014 16:44
Motsepe, the executive chairman of African Rainbow Minerals Limited, will be guest speaker at the party’s annual gala dinner at Boipuso Hall on September 5.
The BDP regular gala dinners are fast becoming a barometer for the amount of money the ruling party can raise.
In just one night, the BDP purse has been known to bulge with over P500 000 as the rich of the land jostle to outbid each other in the contribution stake.
Being less than two months to arguably the most expensive election, the BDP is expecting to raise more than a million pula. With Motsete - known to outbid most in SA ruling party, the African National Congress - as the guest, the BDP hopes he will bid with more than P500 000.
Motsepe once won the bid for a picture of Nelson Mandela for R700 000 at an ANC auction. The theme of the gala dinner is ‘The pre-Requisites of a successful Entrepreneur in an African Environment; what can Botswana Learn or Benchmark from various empowerment models’.
The BDP secretary general Mpho Balopi said a renowned entrepreneur Motsepe will address diners on the theme given his expertise in managing blue chip businesses in the biggest economy of the African continent.
“We hope that 700 guests will attend the event. The president Seretse Khama Ian Khama will be in attendance at the Gala dinner. As part of the fund raising initiatives, the night will have raffle and an auction where the highest bidders will claim various prizes,” said Balopi.