
Special Olympics For Lobatse

According to the Botswana National Special Olympics national director, Ross Tebele all the regions in Botswana are represented and was happy to see how the regions coordinators have prepared the athletes for these games, which he is so optimistic that they will be successful. He explained that despite the games being for the special people who live with mental disorder (intellectuals), they are going to use the same sports facilities use by the normal living sportsmen and women, proving to the public that they do not need any special facilities, as they can as well do and use everything that is available. Tebele pointed out that the mentally disabled have interest and talent in various sports, hence important for all the well abled bodied to help them play and enjoy the games, emphasising that if not accorded the necessary support they may feel rejected.

He said in these special games the athletes will compete in track and field events, 21 kilometre mini marathon, swimming, unified football and unified volleyball and these have attracted both boys and girls who are prepared to outclass each other to book themselves space in the national Special Olympics squad.

Unified football and volleyball, Tebele stressed that it is when disabled play together with abled players, and this is done to show the world out there that people living with mental disability can match those living normal life and outclass them.

He stated that they will use these games to select the national special Olympic sides which will represent Botswana at the World National Special Olympics to be held in Los Angels, America next year, also said they will use these games to promote and brand their association and at the same time promoting healthy living among the intellectuals.

About the number of athletes to represent Botswana and national side selction criteria, Tebele said they need six players in both track and field events, Five athletes in mini marathon (21km), Swimming needs four athletes(two girls and two boys), unified football seven aside, so seven players will be selected, as well as with unified volleyball(seven players).

Tebele said to get all the numbers and the athletes who will represent the country in these events, they will after these games put all the names of the athletes who have out-performed others in the busket for raffle and those whose names come out will make the squads.