Moremi against secession of Ngamiland from Botswana
Boniface Keakabetse | Thursday January 15, 2015 12:52

MAUN: Maun West legislator Tawana Moremi has quashed what he termed calls by some residents for Ngamiland to secede from Botswana. Addressing a Kgotla meeting in Maun on Tuesday (yesterday), Moremi said some people frustrated with government want to part ways with Botswana.
He said many people in the district are fed up with land grab schemes, the disparaging Foot and Mouth Disease, unfair distribution of development projects and the status of the district as one of the poorest in the country despite its abundant resources.
Moremi said the people must embrace dialogue to solve all their concerns with the government, as opting out is not a solution to the problem. “I am aware that there are some people advocating to opt out of the republic but I am against that,” adding that the people must solve their grievances with government within the laws of Botswana.
Moremi who is also the Batawana tribal chief however revealed that his tribe is still pursuing to take the government to court over the ownership of tribal properties.
Moremi was referring to a protracted case in which the tribe wants to reclaim the ownership of both the world-renowned Moremi Game Reserve park and the Maun Educational Park from the government.
Moremi also informed the meeting that the tribe will take action against the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) activists who insulted him and the tribe during the campaigning for last year’s general elections.
During the tumultuous meeting for the launch of Reaboka Mbulawa as a BDP candidate for Maun West, Alec Seametso and one Abel Molelo were believed to have insulted Moremi. Moremi said a lot of insults were not only directed at him but the entire Batawana tribe. He said although the insults were made at a political rally they contravened the customary law adding that the tribe will take action against Seametso and others in accordance with the Customary Act.
Meanwhile Moremi further revealed that he has taken the control of his children from Ian Khama after getting advice from his Matsayakgang age regiment.
A volley of accusation ensued after President Khama who attended the controversial Maun rally said he was helping to take care of Moremi’s children. Khama was routinely critisised for using children to score political points.
Khama is the godfather to Moremi’s eldest son Oatile Moremi. The legislator revealed that Oatile was schooling in Zimbabwe while his sister was at a boarding school in South Africa. On other issues, Moremi said the Ngamiland could benefit from the Special Economic Zones Policy. According to Moremi, Ngamiland can be turned in to a special zone for the tourism, agriculture and the fishing sectors, which have abundant potential in the district.
He said other government policies fail to bear fruits in the district due to the environmental and wildlife problems.
For their part the residents complained of elephants destroying crops, land grabs and the unending Foot and Mouth Disease, which broke out in 2007 saying this is impoverishing farmers whose lifestyles are reliant on cattle production.
The residents also supported that action be taken against those who insulted their Kgosi and the tribe.