BCP youth resigns over UDC cooperation
Tsaone Basimanebotlhe | Friday January 23, 2015 19:59
He has joined the Botswana Movement for Democracy (BMD), a coalition member of UDC. He said 50 other BCP youth resigned from the party this week. “We have left on principle.
This is a principle we believe the UDC holds dearly, too.
We have resigned on the aspect that as young people, we cannot delay regime change by a leadership that is reluctant to make informed democratic decisions,” Seboko said.
His departure comes hot on the heels of a tumult generated in the BCP when another youth, Tate Moalosi, suggested that the party should cooperate with UDC. Moalosi was fiercely scolded by BCP youth, some of whom termed him a UDC mole.
Now Seboko has resigned from the party, and said they are busy recruiting other members who truly want change, telling them to defect. He said he has submitted his resignation letter through the branch structure and made copies to the party secretary general. He accused BCP leadership of entertaining the likes of (Fire Fighters) who are believed to be controlled by the secretariat and are used to take detractors head on.
“It’s a group of youth deployed to ridicule UDC leaders nationwide and it is led by four members who are against the opposition cooperation,” Seboko said.
Though appreciative of the support and opportunity BCP accorded him, he explained that he left the party to grow as a person and as an upcoming politician.
“That our political landscape has taken a severe transformation can never be debated and that our people are in need of change was seriously demonstrated in the last general elections. I join a party, which I believe has politically aligned with the needs of Batswana. A party which in my own assessment, I believe is seriously in pursuit of real and authentic cause for our impoverished people.” Meanwhile, the BCP executive secretary, Akanyang Magama said they have not yet received any letters of resignation and referred this publication to UBCD-BCP.
The secretary general for UBCD-BCP, Dikosha Dikosha confirmed that they had received a letter of resignation from Seboko. “We have received only one letter.
Of course there are allegations that some want to resign, but they have not yet communicated with the committee. Next week, we are having a meeting with members to tell them that things are in order,” Dikosha said.
UB-UDC publicity secretary Kabelo Masvingo, however, said that they have registered more than 50 members who recently resigned from BCP.