Ke Thala Dinte launch slated for April 25
Chippa Legodimo | Tuesday April 21, 2015 18:00
The new offering Ke Thala Dinte, like its predecessor, Leso la Monnamogolo, has already created a lot of hype for its controversial title and lyrics.
While some are adamant the song has some vulgar connotations, Ratshega said once again, music lovers should admire his creative use of language.
“I come from the north of this country where we do not use the letter l before t otherwise the song could be called Ke Tlhala Dinte. I know there are those who say this is in reference to manhood but that is not the case and if it gives various impressions, good, because it means I use the language very well,” he said.
Although Ke Thala Dinte is expected to hit music store shelves next week, judging by comments on various social media platforms the fans are anxiously waiting for the album’s release.
“The enquiries are coming in thick and fast for the new album. I think people like the way I use language because if they felt I was too explicit they would not be asking about the album. As we speak UNISA has shown interest in acquiring the rights to use Leso la Monnamogolo in their language studies and they are also impressed with Ke thala Dinte,” he explained.
The new album will be launched at Millennium Restaurant in Mogoditshane, where enterprising traditional outfit Mafitlhakgosi will also showcase their talent. Afro-soul maestro Lezibo is also scheduled to serenade the audience at the launch. Arnold Sekgee, popularly known as Ramonyaku of Ko Letlotleng la ga Khama track also makes a return to the stage, as is the case with popular traditional group, Machesa.