Opinion & Analysis

Bogosi and politics

Lotlamoreng is the latest chief to enter politics
Lotlamoreng is the latest chief to enter politics

This is good for this country because bogosi is no more. Politics has taken over and that is why our chiefs must now change to join those who are beating them as they always say: “If you can’t beat them join them.”

It is a fact that the introduction of politics worked against bogosi. One M.P in a certain area is recognised more than Kgosi within that area, and this also include the D.C. (Molaodi) he/she carries more weight than Kgosi. Batswana are fortunate because most of her paramount chiefs are highly educated and some of them are even lawyers, which gives them an upper hand when it comes to governing this country.

We now have paramount chiefs in parliament and we need more. We need all paramount chiefs to join parliament and this won’t remove bogosi from them, a born chief will remain being respected by his/her tribe, will continue respecting you even if you are in parliament. It is up to you to decide whether you join the ruling party or the opposition. The bottom line is, we need you in parliament.

Some of you guys are very capable. The likes of Kgosi Gaborone I listened to most of his presentations/speech and surely he is powerful. We are thirsty to see most if not all paramount chiefs in parliament and that’s the only way because bogosi is no more and that is a fact. We also need you magosana to be the councillors and represent your tribes fully.  Sir Seretse Khama never wasted his time ka bogosi and went straight into politics. He saw it coming that chiftainship is disappearing into thin air. Fa o tsetswe ole kgosi o kgosi and nobody can remove you from your birth right because its according to God’s plan. On my footnote, let me assure you that I respect bogosi and dikgosi and get me right, I am not saying don’t respect the current set up ya bogosi, I do respect dikgosi tsame ko Serowe  where I was born and even those in Palape, I am only saying the train is about to leave the station, so be prepared.


O.B. Man-Man Goepamang 72358088, 73258088.