BOFEPUSU has no interest in BOPEU elections
Correspondent | Friday October 16, 2015 16:22
We however would like to respond to this particular article titled “BOFEPUSU wants BOPEU President out” that appeared in the Botswana Guardian of 9th October 2015 as it has the potential to soil the relationship between the federation and one of its affiliates, Botswana Public Employees Union (BOPEU).
The article alleges and purports that the umbrella federation is meddling and interfering into the affairs of BOPEU by supporting one candidate for the Presidency of the union over the other.
The article however has not come up with concrete evidence to demonstrate incidences and instances where the federation has supported Comrade Seitiso over Comrade Motsamai.
We, as BOFEPUSU would like to dismiss these allegations with the strongest terms possible and would like to call upon the author of the article to substantiate his allegations by providing concrete evidence of BOFEPUSU support to Comrade Seitiso over Comrade Motsamai. We would like to therefore make it succinctly clear to the general public and more especially to the leadership, all structures and the general membership of BOPEU that BOFEPUSU has no interest and business in interfering and influencing the outcome of the elections of BOPEU leadership. We however wish BOPEU a fruitful and successful convention and we would be open to work with any elected leadership of BOPEU.
We hope that this would suffice in explaining the position of the federation on this matter.
Thank you
Tobokani Nicholas Rari,
Federation Secretary General