Your life actually matters
Monitor Editor | Monday February 22, 2021 16:44
Just recently, a woman died after drinking what was believed to be khadi, which she reportedly found in her cousin’s fridge.
The concoctions are plenty, and videos of some of the homemade alcoholic beverages have been doing rounds on social media. These drinks have variety of names and watching someone open the two-litre bottles that these beverages are packaged in leaves a lot to be desired. Some of the beverages, once packaged gather so much gas, which makes opening the bottle a challenge. In some of the videos, it is clearly visible that some of these concoctions could possibly be lethal or extremely dangerous to one’s health.
But why do we as human beings and adults subject our bodies to such torture? It is understandable that for some, the ban on the sale of alcohol has affected them, but come on people, alcohol is not the air that you breath and staying off it for a few months should not kill you! Sadly, drinking concoctions whose ingredients are not even known will most likely be very costly to your health.
Imagine protecting yourself against contracting coronavirus (COVID-19), only to have your life cut short by something that could be avoided. Let’s behave like adults and be good role models for our children.
Life throws challenges our way every now and then, and most of us have from time to time overcome bigger hurdles. Exercising a little bit of self-restraint has never hurt anyone and staying without alcohol for a few months is, yes, sobering, but sobriety can be good for clarity and cleansing of mind and health.
While the suspension has had a negative impact on those who survive through proceeds of alcohol sale, this could have been an opportunity for those who overindulge or abuse alcohol to fight their demons and learn to live a life without alcohol.
Your health is important and you should guard it jealously. Stop the nonsense of looking for a one-minute quick fix at the expense of your health, which can take you to the point of no return. Indeed, those who make the concoctions should be taken to task for breaking the law, but the people who buy the drinks are culpable, as they are the ones who create a market for these dangerous brews.
Let’s be responsible citizens and say no to illegal alcoholic beverages that put our lives in danger. Your country needs you! Act responsibly! A life lost is one too many.