
BNSC, BFA contradict Rakgare

Announcement: Rakgare said Football activities are suspended PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE
Announcement: Rakgare said Football activities are suspended PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE

During former Zebras coach, David Bright’s burial last week Friday, Rakgare said contact sport had been suspended in a bid to fight the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

“We have decided to suspend contact sport. The decision was taken although an official announcement is yet to be made,” he said.

But acting BNSC chief executive officer, Tuelo Serufho told Mmegi Sport yesterday that contact sport had not been suspended. He said contact sport is permitted as long as athletes adhere to COVID-19 guidelines, which were due to be released yesterday.

Some of the guidelines include massive testing required for any physical activity to go ahead, everybody expected to produce a COVID-19 negative results to be allowed to participate in any activity and that

face-to-face meetings to be stopped with immediate effect. The BNSC has consulted with Registrar of Societies for a waiver with regard to elective Annual General Meetings not to be held until further notice.

However, the Registrar has not responded to the request. Only national teams that have already been confirmed and have financial repercussions shall be allowed to go ahead. The Commission does not

recommend total stoppage, provided requirements are met as per guidelines such as producing negative results. Meanwhile, the BFA also maintains football activities are not suspended despite Rakgare’s announcement.

BFA public relations officer, Tumo Mpatane said they had not received formal communication from the Ministry regarding the matter, hence activities remain open.

“It is business as usual, our stakeholders have been informed to go on as usual. The Ministry has not communicated to us in any formal manner and for that we have not stopped out activities.

The clubs can train and play friendly games. Our advice is that they take care of themselves and do this with caution as a way to help curb (spread) of the virus, but as of now we are active,” Mpatane said yesterday. Some clubs including Orapa United and Notwane have already suspended training following the minister’s announcement. Gaborone United and Township Rollers are amongst clubs that have continued with their preseason activities.