
Magistrate throws relatives of deceased out of court

Chief Magistrate Rebecca Motsamai was forced to expel the rowdy crowd which became excitable upon seeing one of  the murder accused.  According to the prosecution, the duo of Tapologo Moreetsi, 18, and Oagile Bareetseng, 25,  allegedly murdered Thabo Ntlhalegang, 18 on November 2 at Medlock Bar in Palapye’s Extension 2. Seeing the crowd that attended the case and the noise they were making as a sure sign of their excitable mood, Motsamai ordered the lot to leave the courtroom, as they were likely to disturb the proceedings.

One of men from the crowd was heard saying that the magistrate did well by closing them out of the court proceedings because some of the deceased’s family members were still grieving.  The man apparently said that they were still broken- hearted, and were actually baying for the blood of the  murder suspects and vowing to institute mob justice should they lay their hands on the suspected duo.  “I do not think I could have contained myself if had I laid my eyes on them.  They killed my friend in cold blood and they should pray that they are not given bail because we will not give them a chance to live like they did to our brother,” said another man in the crowd.

The prosecutor Ditsapelo Emmanuel said  they were still awaiting the post-mortem results, hence the pair would remain in police custody.

Though Bareetseng appeared for mention, Moreetsi, did not since he was admitted at Nyangabwe Referral Hospital. They are due for another appearance on December 16.