
Ageing BDF requires P7.5 Billion


The Draft 2016/2017 Estimates of Expenditure From The Consolidated and Development Funds states that Matambo would tell the Parliament that during the National Development Plan (NDP) 10, the BDF needs to be maintained at a highest operational readiness in terms of infrastructure, equipment, aircraft and vehicles in order to guard against various challenges.

“The provision of housing units and offices in these camps will solve the problem of acute shortage of accommodation. Soldiers should be accommodated in location where they can be easily assembled to answer any call.

Accommodating soldiers in camps promotes readiness, as such facilitates speedy deployment as and when the need arises, thus enhancing efficiency,” reads the draft about the development of the BDF.

As an efficient force, the BDF would be able to execute its mandate of defending the country. “This will make the country safe and secure to investors, who will in turn promote diversification and employment creation, thus promoting economic growth.”

This project would also cover the acquisition of both operational and administration vehicles which would necessitate the BDF to perform the numerous tasks to it as well as various types of equipment that would enhance the operational readiness of the force. “BDF requires proper equipment to carry out peacekeeping, peace support and disaster relief operations.”

The Total Estimated Cost (TEC) of this project needs to be increased by P3.1 billion from P4.3 billion to P7.4 billion to continue funding these ongoing projects, Matambo is expected to announce. The Botswana Police Service (BPS) would need P125 million for fleet expansion, the minister would announce. During the 2016/17, the department has been allowed to procure vehicles to facilitate its service provision.

“The procurement of vehicles will alleviate the police from shortage of transport and enhance their turnaround/response time when incidents of crime are reported,” he said.

The TEC of this project is not adequate to cover the costs associated with the procument of the said vehicles. The TEC of this project therefore needs to be increased by P20 million from P105 million to P125 million.

Matambo would also tell the nation that the Directorate of Intelligence and Security Service (DISS) needs a development budget increase by P195.9 million from P644.2 million to P840.2 million. But the TEC for this project is not adequate to cover the implementation of DISS projects, including communication systems and facilities.

Effective deliverance of the directorate’s mandate means providing an environment of peace, opportunity and security. To achieve this, the DISS would have to continuously build its capacity to match dynamic security challenges of today throughout NDP 10.