The Impending Four Months Of Thirst
Monitor Editor | Monday February 29, 2016 12:36
Interestingly, the WUC did not go into details, the specific details that the public need to arm themselves with and prepare for what could possibly be the worst four months of thirst in Gaborone and the surrounding areas.
The announcement lacked such important details as the capacity of water that will be supplied to the Gaborone region, from alternative sources other than Mmamashia treatment plant, which will not be pumping anything at all in the four months starting this week.
The public deserves to know in advance exactly how much shortage they will be subjected to so that they can make adjustments. In fact, it is rather unfortunate that the would be affected communities have only been notified a week before the water authority embarks on such a huge project that would leave people in dire straits for four months.
We wonder then whether the water utilities’ latest project was an after-thought.
For if it was planned ahead, then the water authority would have known the importance of letting the public know about this coming predicament months before it happens, to enable them to sort out issues of budget so they can invest in priorities such as buying jojo’s for over P5,000, and stocking them up in readiness for this coming problem.
There is no doubt that within the four months that the people of Gaborone and surrounding areas, who together form the bulk of the country’s population, could be hit by hygiene related illnesses as a result of lack of adequate clean drinking water.
The water utilities owes us an explanation. We need to know how they will be supplying the greater Gaborone area with water and of what quantity, in the midst of this confusion.