
Paradigm Shift Essential For Knowledge-Based Economy

Professor Johann Kingford says an attitude change is key
Professor Johann Kingford says an attitude change is key

Kinghorn is world-renowned in the areas of theory of knowledge, organisational knowledge systems, sense-making and the theory of the knowledge economy.

During the discussion he brought forth issues on the understanding of a knowledge economy, knowledge systems and issues on the Fourth Industrial Revolution along with its relation to a knowledge-based economy.

He pointed out that a knowledge economy requires an education system that is focused on producing experts instead of average graduates who hold a certain level of qualification, as the need for experts is on the rise.  Kinghorn said this is in line with changing trends, which are influenced by the advancements in technology showing a decrease in the need for labour as automated systems take over the labour sector.

“The question I can ask is do you really want to be a part of the fourth industrial revolution,” Kinghorn said.

“The question is a very rhetorical one as any technological advancement that occurs in other countries will eventually require Botswana to adapt.”Kinghorn talked to the role computation plays in knowledge as he pointed out that computation acts to enhance a knowledge economy even though it does not define a knowledge economy.

One of the participants stressed the need for dissemination of the information shared at the seminar with the leaders of the country.

The participant said the leaders were responsible for coming up with legislation to drive the country’s economy in order to effectively adopt the fourth industrial revolution while reducing the repercussions of the adoption on the economy.