
Dintwe, Matlapeng Win Kgale Hill Challenge


Matlapeng told Monitor Sport that he has been preparing for the race since January through the Botswana Athletics Association (BAA) cross country competitions, adding the events are the same.

“I perform well in a course that has obstacles. A flat course is difficult for me because of my short height. Tall runners beat me in a flat surface because they use long strides while I maintain pace. Going up the hill is an advantage for me because tall runners are forced to reduce their pace,” he said.

Matlapeng said last year he clocked 45:00 minutes and this year there was an improvement in that he won the race. He said his target was also to beat Zimbabwean runner, Gilbert Mutandiro.

For her part, Dintwe said her mental state was in perfect condition for the race. She said her training included participating in marathons in South Africa.

“My plan was to do sub 55 minutes, but I missed my target by eight seconds. That is not a problem because next year we will continue working hard,” she said.

Dintwe raised concern about the few women who take part in the race. She said women should work together and that will improve competition.

Meanwhile, PPC Botswana general manager, Werner de Beer said both men and women prepare for the race with vigour and enthusiasm.

“This race is the ultimate challenge of both physical and mental strength for any athlete that partakes and it is this reality that we viewed that a gender conscious race with equal prizes is relevant today,” said de Beer. He said as a company, they have and continue to be committed to the race and its development over the years.