
CIPA Determines The Contribution Of Copyright Industries Contribution

The Companies and Intellectual Property Authority (CIPA) on Friday launched a report on the economic contribution of copyright industries in Botswana. PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE
The Companies and Intellectual Property Authority (CIPA) on Friday launched a report on the economic contribution of copyright industries in Botswana. PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE

The study was carried out by the Botswana Institute for Development and Policy Analysis (BIDPA). It was developed using the “Guide on Surveying the Economic Contribution of the Copyright Industries” developed by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

The lead consultant from BIDPA, professor Patrick Malope pointed out that the main objective of the study was to quantify the economic contribution of copyright industries in Botswan.

That is done by estimating the copyright industries’ value added to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), national employment and revenue from foreign trade. The study also set out to compare the copyright industries relative to other industry sectors.

“In 2018 CIPA commissioned BIDPA to carry out a study to estimate the contribution of the copyright industries to the economy of Botswana” said CIPA Registrar General Conductor Masena. He pointed out that the methodology of the study has previously been used by other countries. It has proved that the sector contributes significantly to the GDP of those countries.

Malope exlained hat the data they used was sourced from the Bank of Botswana, Statistics Botswana and the 2016 national accounts data. For the employment data the study used the Botswana Multi-Topic Household Survey (BMTHS) of 2015/16.

The copyright industries contribute 5.46% to the GDP. That is higher than the Manufacturing, Agriculture and the water and electricity sectors with an employment contribution of 2.66% which is higher than the mining and quarrying, finance and insurance, and the water and electricity sectors.

He said the sector also contributes to foreign trade with a 4.73% import rate compared to the 28.29% of the diamond sector and an export rate 0.89% which places it as the sixth largest exporter out of thirteen sectors.

Malope said the study has shown that compared to five other African countries the copyright industries in Botswana have a higher contribution to the GDP and lower contribution to employment.