
IDM Pitso 2016 on Friday

The meeting is one of the Institute’s important features in its annual calendar, bringing together strategic partners and stakeholders under one roof to discuss issues of common interest.

According to the new Regional Chief Executive, Richard Malikongwa, IDM engages its partners and sensitises them on its product and service offerings. “We also use this platform to share our strategic intents for all key players to appreciate our business direction and how best we can strengthen our partnerships,’’ he revealed.

He further said that IDM has a significant role to play in developing talent in Botswana and that the Board and Management of IDM looks forward to an engaging session that will benefit everyone, ‘’as we take Botswana forward.’’

The annual event is also designed  to re-affirm the Institute’s willingness to engage stakeholders with a view to transforming it into a customer-driven organisation.

Over 150 delegates from both the public and private sector are expected to attend this important seminar that will be officially opened by Honourable Minister of Presidential Affairs and Public Administration, Eric Molale, under the theme ‘Responding to National Human Resource and Organisational Development Agendas: IDM’s Key Strategic Priority.’