Are We A Dismissive Nation?
Monitor Editor | Monday July 22, 2019 11:46
Recently Directorate of Intelligence and Security (DIS) boss, Peter Magosi called a press conference and informed journalists that the President’s life might be in danger, which was brought about by a number of incidents that occurred during some of the Head of State’s travels.
As soon as different media houses posted the information on their social media pages, Facebook became quite busy, with most people dismissing the information shared by the DIS boss during the press conference as propaganda. Ironically, some of the individuals are the very same people who usually blame the police for not acting in good time to deal with crime, accusing law enforcement officers of only taking action after a crime has already been committed.
We as Batswana respect the sanctity of life, hence, the anger and pain usually expressed by the nation at large, after reading articles on murder victims. Shockingly enough, it now seems there are some people amongst us who are trying to trivialise and politicise the safety rights of the sitting President, Mokgweetsi Masisi.
We are all aware that we are in an election year, and every party wants to see itself as the new government, after October. But that does not mean, as Batswana, we should not be concerned when we learn that the President’s life might be in danger.
Following the initial announcement by Rre Magosi that the President’s life might be in danger, many insensitively posted on their Timeslines statements such as ‘go nkga maaka’ and some went as far as dismissing the information from the DIS boss as propaganda that seeks sympathy votes.
Some of the individuals who dismissed the information released by the DIS as propaganda actually make arguments as if they have proof that indeed the information is untrue and fake. For argument sake, let us say the incidents that have led the DIS to believe that the President’s life might be in danger are not hoaxes as some people seem to think; are we comfortable to gamble with a fellow human being’s life?
Many people especially those from different political interests and persuasions to the President’s seem to be working hard to convince the nation to wait, until something happens for them to believe that indeed the President’s life might actually be in danger.
It is healthy to engage in politics, but when it comes to matters of life and death, we urge the nation to be more serious, and come together and fight the enemy. We do hope that even the DIS this time got this one right!!! Anything to the contrary would make the agency as equally culpable as those dismissing it for peddling propaganda.