
Tutume Police worried about road carnage


Tutume police station traffic officer Superintendent Milidzani Mbayi confirmed the fatal accident to Mmegi.

“We are investigating a case involving an Opel Corsa van that overturned along Tutume /Mosetse road killing the driver and seriously injuring two passengers,” said Mbayi. Mbayi said the van, which was carrying three people, a man and two women aged 30 and 32, was travelling from Tutume towards Mosetse village. He said the women were referred to the Nyangabgwe hospital for treatment. “Investigations on this matter are still ongoing to establish the cause of the accident from the two women who witnessed the accident,” said Mbayi. He raised concern over fatal accidents that continue to claim more lives in his policing area, saying the numbers might sound a bit small but are many because they are talking about people’s lives.

“This is a huge number especially looking at our country’s population.  Families have lost bread winners, parents, the country has lost very important people and the country’s future generation,” said Mbayi. At a recent northern Department of Road Transport and Safety Pitso it was reported that this year the country has lost 259 people on road accidents, compared to 219 in 2015.

Mbayi expressed worry over motorists who drive at high speed especially at night adding that most road accidents are a result of careless driving.

He said accidents continue to claim lives despite their public education endeavours targeting motorists and other road users. He said they always caution drivers over livestock on the roads but that seems to be falling on deaf ears.  “Despite our efforts to warn motorists over stray livestock roaming on our roads, drivers continue to speed putting their lives and other motorists’ at risk especially at night. Another thing, our roads are overgrown with vegetation and are not fenced making it difficult for drivers to spot livestock grazing along the roadside from a distance,” said Mbayi. He cautioned drivers to obey road signs and desist from drinking and driving.

“Drinking and driving is usually the cause of most of the road accidents in this area even though livestock, especially cattle and donkeys stand out. I plead with drivers to avoid driving under the influence of alcohol,” stressed Mbayi.