
Bee Mosika drops second album

Bee Mosika worked with the likes of Olisha King, Joseph Masamba and Paparuza Reuben on the album.  The 31-year-old Rhumba singer who is famed for his song, Seleetswane told Showbiz that the album’s title-track was inspired by what he experienced with his sports bike in 2014.  He said on September 2014, he fell from his sports bike and fainted.

“I woke up at the hospital on that day; I found it necessary to sing about this incident because it never gets out of my head.  I hardly forget about it, even today I can still remember all the details of that day,” he said. The second song of the album, Moaparo wa Gaborone is about how youth dresses nowadays, something he finds unpleasant, especially when they are at the capital city. He said the way they dress is different from how Batswana used to, covering their bodies to show some self-respect.

He opined that when at towns, some people wear clothes, which expose their bodies, something which he believes ends up leading to incidents of rape.

Bana ba Dikolo, which is the third track aims to discourage what is happening at schools; taking drugs, abuse of social media, especially Facebook, and sexual immorality.  Through the song he encourages students to focus on education and parents to stop buying their children modern cellphone at an early age.  He said these are some of the reasons that contribute to the decline of students’ passing rates.

In his other song, Mo Lefifing, Bee Mosika narrates of incidents of December 2014 when an unknown woman wanted to rape him at a bar in Malaka.

He said after entertainment an unknown woman greeted him happily before dragging him to a nearby bush.  He said that the woman started harassing him sexually. “Fortunately the woman did not accomplish her mission as I quickly blocked her from doing anything else and went back to the rest of the crowd.  So through the song I urge women to stop taking advantage of the dark thinking they can do whatever they please,” he added. The fifth track, Baswi is a tribute to his late relatives, mainly his father who passed away in 2003 and grandmother who died in 2010.

He said his father died before he could see his accomplishments as an artist so whenever he performs and sees people embracing his music he thinks about his late father.  In the song he said if he had powers he would raise his old man from the dead so that he could see his son’s talent at work.

Finally, Sexy Motwane is an introduction song, which is mainly based on dance.  In it he outlines all the names that he is known by countrywide, particularly used by his fans.

The Seleetswane hitmaker said the album is already recorded and is left with final touches.  He said it would be released before Independence.

He also disclosed that Seleetswane DVD and CD did very well in the market and are still in demand.

He said he expects his new album to also do well as it has been received positively at his listening sessions, especially at the concert that was held at Morale Junior Secondary School in Mahalapye.

“I know my fans have been waiting for my new album and they thought Seleetswane was a hit, but I promise them that this one is more than a hit.  It has been highly welcomed and I appreciate how Batswana support me,” Bee Mosika said. Bee Mosika is currently sponsoring six schools in his area by providing prize giving awards through the Adopt a School Programme.