
GCC spends P1.3m to de-bush crime hotspots

The city council is clearing away troublesome areas
The city council is clearing away troublesome areas

The company awarded the tender of slightly over P1.3 million is expected to also conduct de-silting and the removal of reeds.

The de-bushing exercise followed numerous complaints from the police and councillors that thieves hide in the bushes to surprise and attack people walking past the bushy areas.

“It is true we have engaged two groups to trim trees and river weed. In Segoditshane River we had to engage a company because it had stagnant water that is smelly.  The company is using machines to take out the weed and the employees of that company are putting on protective clothes,” Gaborone town clerk Mpho Mathe said.

“We had to act after we received complaints from police bosses and councillors. One would remember it is smelly when one passes Segoditshane River and we are trying to address the issue. Our people are trimming trees around the city where it is bushy,” he said.

When asked how much GCC is paying the companies undertaking the job, Mathe said the company was awarded a tender of over P1.3 million.

“We keep on engaging companies where our people cannot be able to do the work. 

For tree trimming, we had engaged individuals for it to be cheap for council. Our target is to cover locations where crime is rife before the end of September. Again the company cut and trim other trees which are 100 metres up and down stream on the two problem roads to ensure smooth flow of water,” he said.

Mathe said they have challenges in areas where plot owners are not coming forth to accept their request to cut trees on their plots.

The five major roads include Segoditshane at Kudumatse, Willie Seboni, Nelson Mandela, Segoditshane and Limpopo road.

He said Segoditshane and Willie Seboni usually give them a headache during heavy rains.