
Gabs councillors reject independence budget


Each ward was allocated P4,125 but the councillors felt that the money was too little. GCC has 32 wards and it was allocated P132,000. 

“It is true that councillors have requested that the money should not be released to their respective wards because it is too little. The thing is, not all the people will go to the stadium and the money was meant for ward celebrations.

Their contention is that other wards have bigger populations and the money won’t buy anything that people could eat during the celebrations,” GCC mayor Kagiso Thutlwe said.

He continued: “But I have referred the matter to finance committee to look into it. I have hope that councillors will get a positive feedback if council can get funds.” Thutlwe said he agreed with councillors that the money will not be able to buy enough food for the  people. The chairperson for GCC finance committee, Sesupo Jacobs said their committee has not yet met to discuss the matter.

“Of course the issue has been referred to us and we will meet soon to deliberate on it,” Jacobs said. However the city clerk Mpho Mathe said all the money issues are dealt with by the finance committee and not the full council. “The administration is looking at various options to advise the finance committee if any money can be diverted from other budgeted votes to augment the money already in our ward development committee (WDC) budget for independence celebration,” Mathe said.