
FCC encourages WDC formations

Francistown Civic Centre PIC: KEOAGILE BONANG
Francistown Civic Centre PIC: KEOAGILE BONANG

Speaking at the ongoing WDCs capacity-building workshop held at Adansonia Hotel, FCC’s community development officer, Goitsemodimo Ramacha said that they have realised a majority of their WDCs do not have assets, something that contributes to the delay of the city’s development.

“We are concerned that (a) majority of the WDCs here do not have sustainable projects, but we believe that forming cooperatives could help WDCs have their own assets.  Those assets could help develop your wards,” said Ramacha.

She said venturing into cooperatives, WDCs could build themselves shops, commercial farms to mention but a few in which their communities could purchase their goods. Ramacha stated that some of the WDCs have houses, day care centres, pots and chairs that they are renting out to the public, but they do not make them enough profit.

She said with their small properties WDCs are facing stiff competition from other local companies offering the same services.

She said venturing into cooperatives could help them diversify their sources of income in order to withstand competition or risk closing. “We wish to see WDCs owning properties that could hire (out to) citizens and (be) able to raise better profit for the development of their wards. Record-keeping is one of the things that concerns us because most of the times you are failing to account for your money,” said Ramacha, adding that before the end of the workshop they would teach participants the art of record and financial management.

She said record-keeping allows one to work more efficiently, measure performance, monitor the progression of a business, track profitability and to generate meaningful reports to mention but a few.

Ramacha said WDCs should aim to contribute in the diversification of the city’s economy. “We want you to use WDCs’ money wisely to benefit the community.  We have realised that some of the WDCs do not hold and use money accordingly, something that worries us because such money should be used for area development,” said Ramacha. Officiating at the event, the city clerk, Mompati Seleka said some committee members are not fully committed to their mandate and this leads to failure to accomplish the desired results.

Seleka shared Ramacha’s sentiments when he said financial management is a concern because some WDCs do not timely prepare their books for auditing.

“As the city of Francistown leadership we are disturbed by this kind of conduct and today I call upon all of you to desist from that.  We cannot compromise the development of the city by retaining non-performers, as such appropriate action would be taken,” said Seleka. Seleka said there are a number of progressive projects that WDCs can undertake by utilising the skills and programmes that are available and collaborate with other key institutions.

He said that community projects can also address challenges such as unemployment and as the city council they shall continue to provide the technical support in all areas.

“I know that WDCs unlike VDCs are challenged with shortage of land as a result you should face this and come up with ward-based interventions.  I call on WDCs chairpersons to take responsibility of all of the challenges you are faced with.  Do not allow community politics to derail you from advancing the interests of the committee,” Seleka advised.

The workshop was held under the theme, ‘WDCs: Pioneers of sustainable development’ and attracted 25 WDC’s from around the city.