
Ministry of Lands and Housing launches TV show


After launching a radio programme called ‘Lefatshe Boswa’ few years back, the Ministry will now air the television show to strengthen information dissemination to the members of the public.

Launching the programme recently, the Minister of Lands and Housing, Prince Maele said it is their hope to further enhance information dissemination through the television program. He said for quite some time inadequate public awareness has led to some of their customers being cheated by crooks and fraudsters in land related matters.

“We believe our television  production will help to keep in touch with our customers. We shall engage ordinary Batswana, stakeholders, the business people, investors, media and indeed everybody to share their views on how we can improve on delivering service to the public,” he said. Maele added that the ministry is on a quest for continuous improvement, which they hope, will translate to economic benefit for Batswana.

He also said they named the television programme Lefatshe Letlotlo because land is a great treasure that must be well managed for the benefit of our economy. “A good land management practice promotes social harmony and limits, incidences of war and famine,” he said.