DITSHWANELO press statement on African Union on Sudan
Correspondent | Monday April 15, 2019 10:53
Botswana has repeatedly supported the International Criminal Court (ICC) and its call for the indictment of President al Bashir.
However, Botswana was often a lone voice due to the solidarity which other African states had with one another - even in cases of violations of human rights! In the latest case of Sudan, the people have held sustained protests aimed at the removal of President al Bashir.
The military involvement is not a positive development, as in the Zimbabwe situation – which demonstrated the change of guard is not a change of regime!
Botswana has a history of supporting the liberation of other nations. This was demonstrated by its diplomatic involvement in the support for Southern African Nations liberation after its independence and the subsequent independence of the Southern African Region.
DITSHWANELO calls upon our government to continue with the same commendable spirit, support the chairperson’s position, as well as call upon the AU to encourage the Government of Sudan to follow democratic processes for the interest of the people of Sudan.
The sustained struggles of the people of Sudan should not be in vain. We call on the government to call for democratic, accountable and participatory civilian rule on our continent.