
Lets celebrate responsibly

The aforementioned two are obviously part of our lives. Funerals are the sad reality we have to live with as a result of illnesses, road accidents and other manmade causes such as murder. The independence celebrations come at month-end when pockets of those with jobs will be bulging making fuel and alcohol affordable to many of us. 

There are of course those who will be entering other people’s homes to steal their hard-earned belongings such as electronic appliances, clothes, and even food. Life has never been so depressing like the moments we are living in today.

However, we urge those who will be travelling to desist from drinking and driving as this has proven to be a dangerous mixture, not only for the individuals concerned but also for other road users. Statistics show that the death toll on our roads has exceeded 100 since the beginning of the year most of which accidents were caused by careless driving and speeding.

Yes, the modern vehicles are so confortable that the occupants hardly feel that they are moving at a high speed. The comfort is even unbelievable for some when they have taken one or two or several units of alcohol beverages, hence the increase of fatal road accidents in our roads. We appeal to all to be cautious on our roads and preserve lives. We urge the police to be more visible on the main highways as their presence can in one way or the other enhance careful driving.

Alcohol traders should be mindful of the operating hours and comply with them all the time irrespective of the crowds that may descend on their premises during the holidays.  The likelihood of making more revenue is of course tempting, but the consequences of getting caught are also huge as they include cash penalties or even losing the trading licence.

We hope that the police will continue with their Stop and Search initiative to retrieve knives and dangerous weapons in the pockets of criminals and fools. We hope that pilgrims who will be travelling to various destinations for worship to drive carefully.

This year’s independence is a historic event and we appeal to all to exercise restraint, caution and respect the law. Let us enjoy responsibly. Happy 50th Anniversary Botswana!

Today’s thought

“Se a re go tlogelwa tsatsing se ikise moriting” 

- Seane sa Setswana