
Moswaane apologises to Cllr Ramolotsana

Ramolotsana and Moswaane have ironed out their differences
Ramolotsana and Moswaane have ironed out their differences

Recently, it was reported that the two were not at peace, something that nearly resulted in Ramolotsana defecting from the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) to join the Botswana Congress Party (BCP).

On Sunday during his constituency victory celebration that was held at the Aerodrome grounds, Moswaane knelt down before his electorates and begged for forgiveness from Ramolotsana.

One may suspect that the alleged acrimonious relationship between Moswaane and Ramolotsana is genuine and at an all time low.

Ramolotsana, who is the councillor of  nearby Tati Town ward, was conspicuously absent at Moswaane’s victory celebrations.

On bended knees Moswaane said: “I want to take this moment to apologise to councillor Ramolotsana if I have done or said anything that might have hurt his feelings. I know that he is not here, hence pleading with someone to tell him how sorry I am, if I might have done or said something wrong against him”.

He added: “It’s not my intention to hurt anyone’s feelings, especially my area councillors.  Do not leave the BDP because of me; I do not own this party.  I wish to have a good relationship with all of my councillors,” Moswaane pleaded. Ramolotsana had indicated in a letter he wrote to the party’s  regional chairperson, Sabelo Matikiti that his relationship with Moswaane was compromised because of Moswaane’s leadership style, hence he was contemplating a new political home.

“I personally do not have any differences with Ramolotsana.  I wish to work with him to bring developments to his ward,” Moswaane said.

Moswaane dismissed allegations that he has a tendency of addressing meetings without consulting him (Ramolotsana).

“Those rumours are not true. There is no way I can hold a meeting in any ward without consulting the area councillors because they are the ones who know better their challenges,” Moswaane said.

He said every time he returns from a Parliament session, he always makes sure that he calls all councillors and other stakeholders and share issues with them so that they can guide him further.

“I have and will never invade the wards without prior communication with councillors. People should not cause conflict between me and my councillors,” Moswaane said.

Moswaane advised all councillors to join hands and work together so that they can retain all of their council seats come 2019 general elections.

“I want all of you to know that my office is always open and ready to assist you equally even when I am not around,” Moswaane said.

Moswaane warned his area councillors not to be misled by anyone from opposition parties, but strive to cooperate and defeat the opposition in 2019.

“Do not allow these people to infiltrate us.  Their mission is to break us; they cannot be our friends.  I am happy that all of my wards are under the leadership of the BDP, hence the need to cooperate and not allow anyone to break us apart,” Moswaane said.

When contacted for comment, Ramolotsana said he did not snub the victory celebrations as it might appear, but rather he had family commitments because his father has currently taken ill.

“My father is sick and was hospitalised in Gaborone.  He has businesses that I have been looking after in his absence, hence I could not make it to the celebrations,” Ramolotsana said.

He said he accepted the apology as he had kissed and made up with his MP.