Top Lawyer Claims Satanists Ransacked Office, Killed Client
Monkagedi Gaothobogwe | Monday December 5, 2016 18:00
Ngakaagae said the sensitive file the burglars destroyed was an audio recording he made with an unidentified male client from Maun.
Sharing the macabre experience via his Facebook page, Ngakaagae claims his client, who was trying to leave a Satanic sect in Maun, had contacted him shortly before he was reported dead.
The prominent lawyer, who handled top legal portfolios such as that of the late Louis Nchindo and the deposed Kgafela II’s whippings cases, said that the Satanists had zeroed in on his client after he had managed to elude them for a month.
Perhaps also revealing is the claim by the ace lawyer that the so-called Satanists used a Trojan horse at his law firm to get access to the gadgets and the audio recording. He has described the case as the heaviest legal burden he ever had to bear.
It would appear the incident is not related to another burglary Ngakaagae experienced in 2010 when his house was broken into and his laptop stolen. It was at the height of the Louis Nchindo case when he was the lead prosecutor.
According to Ngakaagae, on the more recent incident, it was one afternoon of 2014 when a deeply stressed man, who described himself as a Satanist from Maun, sought help to deal with a legal matter in which the sect was planning to throw him into jail for, where his death would easily and swiftly be orchestrated.
Ngakaagae alleges the client had decided to quit when he realised he was not prepared to perform a ritual of a human sacrifice.
Full text from Ngakaagae’s Facebook post appears as follows:
“CHRISTIANS - One good afternoon, two years ago, a well dressed and educated man walked into my office. He’d made efforts for an urgent appointment, but the ladies had put him on the normal consultations schedule. When he finally managed to reach me directly, I could tell he was in distress. He was gripped by fear of unimaginable proportions. He needed legal help. The genesis of his troubles however, was unlike any I’d ever encountered. He was a practising Satanist, a member of the Maun sect. He had to perform a ritual, which included killing a human being.
‘I can’t’, he said, ‘I want out, but they are after me. They are going to kill me. My days are numbered.
“I won’t say the nature of the legal issue attached for professional reasons. Someone may know the facts and relate. What I can say is that a legal consultation became a spiritual one.
“‘They know I’m here in your office’”, he said. They follow me wherever I go. I’m sorry, but you must know that for helping me, they’ll come after you too. The’ll seek your head.’
“I decided I’d help him and we did solve the legal issue that they were supposed to use to wreck him and send him to jail where he was, according to him, slated to die.
“‘I’m better of outside. I’m seeing a pastor who’s helping. In prison, I’m doomed. But they won’t stop until I’m dead.’”
“For hours he told me everything about the sect and the Satanist, the Maun SSS Satanism occurrences. He told me what they do, where they do it, who recruited him, the promises of riches, power, fame and privilege. The whole meeting was audio recorded, by me, personally.
“After solving the legal problem he disappeared. To my relief, he would surface after about a month after worrying about him badly, and not being able to contact him.
“‘I had to lie low,’” he said. “‘But I knew it couldn’t be for long. They have found me. They are closing in. The end is nigh.’” Tears ran down his cheeks. I was barely able to hold back my own.
“We talked at length exploring variant solutions. Then we said bye byes and I wished him God.
“A few days later I received news of his death.
“I cried....
I went to my laptop where I had recorded my consultation with him. The audio file had been wiped off. Soon, all the laptops at Ngakaaage & Mbikiwa Legal Practice disappeared. No records left.
Only one person at the office knew. For professional reasons, my wife only received a censored warning that I was dealing with a Satanism case. Well, just in case I became collateral damage and she had to raise the kid’s alone. To date, his children think he was killed by what is expressed in the post-mortem report. Wish I could tell them the truth, but I can’t. I asked if family knew or should know. The answer was not in the affirmative. He’s not there to give consent and a man’s word is his bond.
It’s the heaviest legal burden I ever had to bear. Well, (on hindsight) was it legal?