Of Satanism, The Lawyer, Dead Client & Missing Laptops
Monkagedi Gaothobogwe | Monday December 12, 2016 16:16

He however believes that most of the cases were simply burglaries. Kgosi Ngakaagae says helping the man he describes as a senior government official was not without its own consequences on his law firm as his most important laptop, with personal and company files as well as an audio recording of the victim’s confession would later disappear.
Other gadgets subsequently had their memories wiped off completely, while his computer server was hacked with information wiped out. He would not say though that the hacking, as opposed to the wiping of the audio recording, was a Satanic act.
Ngakaagae says although his office reported the missing laptops to the Broadhurst police, none of them were ever recovered.
The lawyer, famous for his handling of the corruption case against late Debswana boss Louis Nchindo, and Bakgatla leader Kgafela II, says in the first instance his main laptop and four others went missing, and then the disappearing of gadgets in the office under unexplained circumstances continued until the number of missing laptops reached eight, before the server was hacked and wiped out.
Asked how he coped with the unfolding of the events, Ngakaagae said, “We roll with the punches… It was not my first in my career. I have lost so many laptops; there was a time our entire system was wiped out and they tried to take away the server. Can’t recall the exact date, but it was reported in the media. It was in 2014”.
Ngakaagae says in 2010 he lost a lot of information, a lot of personal stuff and so much professional work at the height of the departed Nchindo prosecution when his laptop was stolen from his then residence at Kgale View.
About the disappearance of the audio recording of the confession of a Satanist and related data, Ngakaagae says only one person knew about that information at the office by virtue of access to the client files.
However, when The Monitor put to him whether the 2014 events could have had anything to do with his going separate ways with his former law-firm partner, Ngakaagae has a categorical no. “We had different views on the future direction of the company, before I established Ngakaagae & Co in 2015, and decided amicably to separate,” he said.
Why Did He Wait For Two Years To Share The Story?
Attorney Ngakaagae has told The Monitor he shared his Satanism encounter recently on social media to show the nation and his atheists’ social media followers the other realities of life. He believes a significant fraction of the so-called atheists are actually Satanists and that the atheism is nothing but a Trojan horse.
A staunch believer who often discusses Christian faith topics on social media, Ngakaagae says he wanted the nation to know that Satan exists and is being worshipped by some. He remarked that even the DIS head, Isaac Kgosi had warned the Parliamentary Accounts Committee (PAC) of the security threat that Satanism poses to this nation.
When The Monitor visited his offices at Molapo Crossing, Ngakaagae opened up about the topic that caused uproar.
“I still have the file of the old man with me, even though he is now late. I can’t reveal factual case details because of attorney-client confidentiality, but he came to me because he was facing a serious criminal charge, to which he admitted to me,” says the calm looking Ngakaagae.
“It was my first time as a lawyer to come across a client who opened up like that man, without even being probed. Usually, clients would look me in the eye and say all sorts of lies about their cases, but I’m trained to tell a lie. It’s what I’m trained for; it’s my job, so I would then get the client to tell me the actual truth. But with this man, I did all. I got him to tell his narrative from all angles and his story was consistently honest. I looked for signs of mental illness or depression and found none. He was a good man at heart who ended up with the wrong crowd.”
According to Ngakaagae, the client, who he described as an elderly man, a senior civil servant who was well off in life, told him the story is deeper than the crime he was facing and that elders of a Satanic sect that he was a member of, had taken the decision to kill him, and that he just needs to stay away from prison as he knew very well that in prison they had somebody, one of their members, waiting there to kill him easily.
Ngakaagae then tells The Monitor that this client had opened up to him that the sect had detected that he was trying to quit, which was in fact true, something that could not be allowed especially that the client had progressed up several levels, learning deep secrets of the cult that he would not be allowed to go with.
“He told me he was scheduled to upgrade into another level that entailed human sacrifice, to be performed in some underground tunnels in the Maun area, but on two occasions he had managed to give excuses for not coming, but they soon realised there was more, so they planned to exact punishment for rebellious conduct and kill him.”
The Ritual That Bound Client To The Sect Members
There was literally no escaping the ever seeing eyes of the sect members, once a certain ritual that involves homosexual activity had been performed. According to the lawyer, the late client told him he could not escape the all-seeing eyes of the Satanic sect because all the members are being easily remotely watched no matter where they are.
Ngakaagae says the client narrated to him how a Satanic ritual involving homosexual act by all the rank members enabled the members to see, keep watch, or even spy on one another.
He said the ritual involved ejaculating onto a member’s thigh and that from there onwards a member can be located by his partner(s) just by rubbing on the thigh he ejaculated on. This ritual would then be used to assist a brother on assignment or in trouble or simply to follow him.
My Client Was A Respected Senior Civil Servant
Although he refuses to divulge more, the lawyer says the client was a well-known senior civil servant, a family man who confessed to the lawyer that he was lured into the sect by very wealthy, fancy living men who lived big and drove luxurious cars.
These wealthy men were attracted to him and exploited his obsession with traditional healing. According to Ngakaagae, his client was promised very rewarding supernatural powers that would turn his fortunes around, and he followed.
I Didn’t Attend His Funeral
Ngakaagae says after learning about his client’s death soon after the client had told him that the sect members had found him and were coming to finish him off, he did not attend the funeral as he was tied up with a very important engagement. But he knows many who attended. “You be surprised to know who it was but as I said I can’t disclose for ethical reasons. The client was a well known man in his area,” he said without revealing much.