
BPP reprimands youth leader on Boko�s attack


The BPP as well as the Botswana National Front and the Botswana Movement for Democracy (BMD) are partners in the UDC.

The BPP national executive met over the weekend to discuss pertinent party issues and Lenyatso’s scathing attacks towards Boko was one the key agenda items.

Lenyatso recently came out with guns blazing, rebutting Boko’s stance on the late Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro.

BPP spokesperson Thabani Peter said yesterday that the party totally distances itself from Lenyatso’s letter.

“As the BPP in general we view Fidel Castro as one the vital contributors in the development of Africa both socially, economically and politically,” he said. He added that it was unnecessary for the BPP youth league leader to attack Boko in the public space. 

“Our other strong view as the BPP leadership is that where we differ with fellow UDC partners such differences should be resolved internally,” he said.

Peter said that the BPP national executive at its weekend meeting took a decision to write a statement denouncing Lenysato’s remarks. 

“Apart from the statement we will not take action against Lenyatso because this is the first time he has done this.  We have also resolved that we will constantly encourage our members to behave in a manner that is acceptable,” said the BPP firebrand.   

In his letter published in a local newspaper Lenyatso stated that Boko has failed to provide a proper account with regards to Castro’s character. Boko also described Castro as an inspiration and a hero to many.

The UDC leader also credited Castro for his stance against racism, imperialism and exploitation of African resources. Boko also said that Castro has had an immense contribution to the growth of Africa.

Moments after Castro was pronounced dead many African leaders hailed him for his anti colonial struggles in the continent.

The BPP young turk’s letter drew an angry response from some UDC members more especially those from the BNF, where Boko is also president. 

Lenyatso added that Castro who until his recent death ruled Cuba for 47-years was a ruthless dictator who loved people of other nations while his own people suffered.

“It is baffling and annoying to see a reputable human rights lawyer and a president of a political party advocating for an inclusive government, an attainment of civil service rights and political freedoms endorsing Fidel Castro,” Lenyatso said in his strongly worded letter.