
Billy wants Khama to account to Parley


“It is not right for the President to be reading SONA to people and leave it to MPs to discuss without listening to them. Even those who try to defend him at times will make mistakes because he understands what he was saying better than us. This will be for the good; let’s not think of the bad only,” Billy said.

He said it is not good for the President to be attending to Cabinet only without knowing what MPs are saying.

“This kills democracy as well. Accounting to Parliament helps the growth of democracy in the country since MPs also account to people who voted for them,” he said.

On the issue of workers and government relationship, Billy said there is need for the differences to be ironed out since the sour relationship was affecting productivity.

“We cannot run a government with unhappy workers since it will affect the economy of the country. Let us improve conditions of the workers as it will reduce corruption. For example, if a less paid worker is issuing tenders then he/she will be tempted to sell them to make more money,” he said.

The Francistown East MP said the welfare of the Botswana Defence Force, the Botswana Police Service officers amongst others need to be looked into as a matter of urgency, as that will reduce briberies at police roadblocks, a practice that he said is becoming common.

He called on the government to empower Batswana on tourism and to ensure that they own some lodges in tourism areas. The legislator said it is worrying that most of the prime land is not in the hands of Batswana.

MP for Mochudi East, Isaac Davids shared the same sentiments that Khama should account to Parliament.

“It’s high time BDP knows that Parliament belongs to the people. There is nothing wrong with the President coming here to answer our questions. This will even reduce debates. This country has serious problems and one cannot address it by giving people diphaphatha and soup. Let’s take ourselves serious and empower people,” Davids said. 

Answering a question on why Khama does not attend Parliament during a Parliamentary Accounts Committee, the Speaker of the National Assembly, Gladys Kokorwe said Khama does not attend to Parliament because of his busy schedule.