
Debswana�s Corporate Social Investment (CSI) Programme Beneficial

Debswana MD hands over the vehicle keys to board chairman.PIC: KAGISO ONKATSWITSE
Debswana MD hands over the vehicle keys to board chairman.PIC: KAGISO ONKATSWITSE

The company’s CSI Programme is one of the many ways it has cemented its place as a company that advocates care and moral duty towards Batswana from Orapa and Letlhakane Mines, through Gaborone to Jwaneng.

Debswana has continued to plough back into the community by mining the resource and enriching the nation.

Recently, the mining company donated a mini-bus worth P490,000 to the Pudulogong Rehabilitation and Development Trust For The Blind in Mochudi.

During an interview with its Corporate Citizen Manager, Barulaganye Mogotsi, he said the company has invested millions of pulas in both government and non-governmental organisations including Pudulogong.

He said they have sponsored the National Agricultural shows in all the districts with active shows in the country together with the national show.

They also through the Boteti project, which is funded by Orapa mine, adopted Mokoboxane Primary School where they helped improve facilities and staffrooms with a whooping P2.4 million.

Through the Jwaneng mine they have built five houses named the Diamond Village for Village Development Committee in Lefoko village to help the VDC develop their village whilst at the same time create accommodation for public officers.

The mine has also built a disability block at Ratsie Setlhako Primary School in Palapye in collaboration with the Morupule Mine.

It has injected P1.3 million on that project.

It has also helped Tsodilo Community Project to protect the Tsodilo Hills from 2010 where they invested P10 million. In 2015 they increased the funding with P4.9 million.

Currently, Debswana is refurbishing Bowa Setso Recreational Park in Gaborone at Gaborone West Phase 2 where it has injected P2.5 million on the project.

Debswana is arguably one of the leading corporate citizens in Botswana with a corporate social investment and community relations’ policy, which has, over the years, seen a significant socio-economic transformation of the country’s various communities.

Debswana’s core values of ‘Show We Care’, ’Shape The Future’ and ‘Be Passionate’ impels it to be a world-class benchmark when it comes to investing in and nurturing the communities it lives in.

The CSI programme now focuses on engagement and development of local communities through active participation in community projects.

This company has worked on other community projects that had tremendous impact in the lives of Batswana even though they are not included here.