
ATI to officially launch Envelope


The album launch had been long overdue since the album was released in July this year and has two singles Khiring Khorong and Poelo Morago, which became instant hits on the charts.

“This will be an intimate performance, a one on one with ATI, up-close and personal. I will be engaging with the audience giving them more of a Broadway inspired stage performance,” ATI said.

He explained that the launch had been long overdue and that lack of funds stood in the way, but now he is ready to host an event of such calibre. Saying nothing further, ATI directed Showbiz to talk to his management.

With the level of creativity that ATI possesses it leaves one to wonder how the event will be conceptualised and designed. It also leaves one wondering what stunts he will pull this time around after his recent crane grand entrance.

“We are taking it back to where it all started, ATI will stage an intimate performance as he interprets how his music and story inspired this album,” ATI’s manager, Lloyd Totego said.

The show will feature artists on the album.

Artists such as Sasa Klaas, Mpho Sebina, Young Amazing and Legacy DG are featured on the album.

Totego stated that the event has been designed in a more theatrical manner with the aid of visuals to help tell the story of the Envelope album.

Event tickets are limited and ATI’s management stated that they are looking forward to hosting between 300 to 400 people.

The Envelope is one of the few hip-hop albums that was released this year, it is packaged with 20 tracks. The release of the album marked the return of ATI in the music space, especially with the hit single Khiring Khorong, which has even attracted endorsement from Botswana Telecommunications (BTC) and bookings around the country and in South Africa.